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Tai chi, qigong, relaxation, martial arts, and self defence
- in-person
- online
- full-time training options
- plus a library of recorded lessons and reference videos.
Tai chi Liberation from Sinclair Martial Arts on Vimeo.
Tai chi
- for mind and body
- adaptable for men and women of all ages and fitness levels
- breath, posture, balance, strength, flexibility, relaxation, circulation, vitality
- valuable training for actors, massage therapists, dancers, healers, etc.
- Tai chi is famous for its health benefits. It is not uncommon for people to be referred to my classes by doctors or other medical professionals. Many students have little or no interest in the “martial” aspect of tai chi. If this is you, I teach the principles of efficient movement, biomechanics, power, balance, relaxation, and agility. You will learn postures, breathing, and moving meditation. My goal is to teach you an exercise that will make you feel better every time you do it.
- For seniors
- The benefits of tai chi for seniors are well known. But there are more benefits than can be listed here.
- “balance, power, strength, stamina, aerobic capacity, agility, flexibility, speed, accuracy and proprioception” 1
- Clinical studies have shown that tai chi is helpful for people with COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) , fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s disease, and osteoarthritis (for pain management). 2
- Tai chi can also help with mood, focus, cognition, stress, depression, and sleep.
- for athletes
- subtle and profound refinement of the mind-body connection.
- biomechanics and agility for all sports.
- Over the years, I have taught professional and amateur athletes from football, tennis, table tennis, baseball, golf, as well as triathletes, jockeys, divers, swimmers, wrestlers, and more. Some are referred by coaches and others by therapists or doctors. Tai chi is used to improve performance and aid in recovery.
- for martial artists
- add new dimensions to your training
- subtle and profound power training and conditioning.
- tuishou, mid-range skills to enhance your grappling, striking, and weapon training.
- For some students, it is all about the martial art. People come from around the world to further their martial skill. Half of those students are experts or instructors in other martial arts. In fact, many of my students are much better martial artists than I am, with extensive skill in striking, grappling, throwing, joint manipulation, weapons, etc. Yet they are able to apply what they learn from me to improve their existing art.
Self Defence
- customized curriculum for individuals and small groups
- men, women, teens, and sometimes kids.
- develop skills, tactics, strategies and conditioning to suit your individual needs and abilities.
- comprehensive methods, principles, tactics, strategy, and conditioning.
- short-term and long-term options.
- Learning a few techniques is not a self defence program. I offer a comprehensive and concise curriculum designed for each student to train progressive and instinctive abilities. Together we search for ways to use both strengths and weaknesses to your advantage.
For police and military
- special skills to aid in use of force
- meditation, relaxation, stress management.
Tai chi, Martial Arts, Qigong, Self Defence, Health, and High Performance.
Tai chi is a martial art only if you practise it as such. Otherwise, it can still offer tools and insights that can be applied to any endeavour.
To practise a martial art like tai chi is to delve deeply into the nature of your self and your relationship with the world. Tai chi routines teach far more than choreography, conditioning and martial techniques.
U.V. 81237
P.V. 128609
- www.forbes.com/health/healthy-aging/tai-chi-for-seniors
- Wayne P, Fuerst M. The Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi: 12 Weeks to a Healthy Body, Strong Heart & Sharp Mind. Shambhala Publications, Inc./Harvard Health Publications, 2013.