Energy doesn’t matter, and matter doesn’t energy
Now that we are talking about yin and yang, let’s address the standard model of physics, and get this “qi” power thing out of the way.
Fair disclosure: I teach qigong and neigong. There is a context for talking about “qi”, breath, energy, proprioception, calories, joules, and all of that.
However, for all practical purposes, qi-energy is not measurable or definable within the context of the phenomenal universe. Energy defines matter and space. It is not, itself, defined. Matter is what is defined, it does not define.
So, when we are talking about martial phenomena, don’t talk about qi, or energy. This is a place for classical mechanics. Quantum mechanics can be applied in the instant, but not through any experience of duration.
Stick to Newton, Archimedes, and Galileo for almost all practical explanations.
Refer to Maxwell and Einstein if you are fighting at speeds approaching causality near a black hole.
Talk about “qi” if you want to confuse students with foreign concepts that are outside their cultural context.
It can be useful to remember that there are no straight lines, that matter does not exist, that energy is undetectable, that everything is emptiness, and that we exist only by designation. But the true challenge to your understanding may come when you get hit in the head by non-existing matter transferring measurable energy in a straight line.
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