If you feel as if following social media wastes of time, I can tell you that posting to social media is a much greater soul-sucking waste of time, largely because of the little details that I never went to school for.
Being self employed, as my friend Clayton points out, just means that “…your boss is a jerk.” It certainly seems that way when I find myself doing many jobs for which I have not talent, not training, and no affection.
Website design, graphic design, and marketing are just some of the dozens of jobs I do for which I wish I could afford to hire a qualified person. They would do it faster and cheaper. But I can’t afford them.
So it is that I find myself wasting another few hours trying to figure out this interweb thing, and wishing there were more universal fittings for self-sealing stem bolts.
Facebook, instagram, twitter, and all those others have their own rules for image sizes, which vary depending on where the image is and what it is for. But they frequently seem to break their own rules. Then they change them.
It is annoying, and damaging to my economy, when I post an image on a blog, or a lesson, and the thumbnail of the featured image does not display properly when shared to a social media platform.
So, every year or so, I have to test the different sizes suggested by different platforms and test them on in various situations and on various other social media platforms. This afternoon, I am testing 1200 X 628.
…with a joke….

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