My name is Ian Sinclair. After more than 40 years studying and teaching tai chi, qigong, and various martial arts, I have had the pleasure of working with some remarkable students of all levels. Many coming from around the world to visit my studio in Orillia. (Ontario, Canada)
Many of my students come with vast experience themselves, while others are absolute beginners. Some are black belt martial artists, while others are health-care professionals, musicians, actors, dancers, soldiers, police, retirees, and athletes. Each person comes with a unique perspective and unique set of goals. I try to create a curriculum that is particularly suitable for each student.
Each person I work with helps me to learn more about the art, about teaching, and about myself. Approximately half of my students are either black belts from other styles or are experienced tai chi teachers themselves. Most of them could probably beat me in a fight. Yet they still find value in what I teach.
Each student honours me by traveling to learn what I have to offer, and I always learn from teaching them.
Now, in order to make available as much of my curriculum as possible, I wish to offer a comprehensive program online. This ongoing effort will result in hundreds of video and articles, and will be supported by members of this site.