0 – Important Note

When you go through these movements, don’t just try to memorize the movements and skip to the next. Follow along and pay attention to your body and mind. If you get tired of listening to my voice, you can mute it. But try to go slowly and feel how your body responds to the posture and the movement. Take the opportunity to cultivate your proprioceptive map. Feel every muscle and tendon.

You may find it useful to use the practice of even the most mundane movements as an exercise in euphoria. Find the joy in the simple things. It may lead you to a more profound understanding, and a greater self empowerment.

This course is called “Basic Movements” because the instruction is minimal, not because the movements are simplistic. I want to be simple and concise so that you can enjoy the process of doing the movements without being overwhelmed by the complex and sophisticated nature of the art all at once. I have also learned that students learn faster if I teach more slowly.

The goal is not to store knowledge…to “learn and forget” as I call it. It is to find the depth and breadth of understanding and power that are found in the subtle.

In future lessons, I will teach more about the subtle and profound nature of these movements. But if you take your time with them, you will be further ahead in the long run. Slow practice makes faster progress.